Why Do You Need A Medical Eye Exam For Presbyopia?

After I realized that I had a serious problem with my vision, it occurred to me that I needed to get an eye exam and fast. I started looking around for a great place that could help me out, and after referring to lots of online reviews, I was finally able to find an excellent optical office that offered what I was looking for. They were really nice over the phone, but the office was even more enjoyable. The staff was fun and friendly, and they had a wide range of different styles available. This blog is all about finding a great optician's office that you will love.

Why Do You Need A Medical Eye Exam For Presbyopia?

Why Do You Need A Medical Eye Exam For Presbyopia?

12 June 2018
, Blog

If you're in your 40s and 50s, you might already feel the effects of aging on your eyes. You may struggle to read small print or insert thread into a sewing needle. You may even catch yourself squinting to see the images on your smartphone and laptop. All of these small signs of aging are due to presbyopia, a vision problem that changes the shape and size of your eyes' lenses. Find more information about presbyopia and how to manage it below.

How Can Presbyopia Affect Your Vision?

As a young person, your eyes' lenses are clear, elastic, and shaped like a small oval. These features allow your lenses to receive and bend light before it travels to the back of your eyes. The aging process can change the color, elasticity, and shape of your lenses, which leads to presbyopia.  

Presbyopia affects your short-range vision, or how well you see things right in front of you. Presbyopia can also cause headaches, blurred vision, and eyestrain. These symptoms can occur when you squint your eyes to focus or concentrate on a small task, view a computer screen, or read a novel. It's also possible to strain your neck when you have presbyopia, especially when you hunch closer to your book or computer. 

Although you can't make the symptoms of presbyopia disappear completely, you can lessen their harmful effects on your eyes.

How Can You Manage the Symptoms of Presbyopia?

If it's been some time since you visited an eye specialist for a medical eye exam, go ahead and book your appointment now. Adults in their 40s should see an eye doctor every two years for eye testing. If you have a health condition that could damage your eyes, you should see an eye doctor even sooner. The exams will check many areas of your eyes, including your retinas, irises, and optic nerves. 

A medical eye exam can also help a specialist prescribe vision aids that make the symptoms of presbyopia less stressful on you. For example, if you have severe headaches and blurred vision, an optometrist or optician can fabricate eyeglasses or contacts to help eliminate the need to strain or squint your eyes. You may be able to use eyeglasses and contact lenses to improve your vision. 

You can manage the symptoms of presbyopia successfully. If you need solutions for your aging vision now, schedule an appointment with an eye clinic like Family Eye Care.

About Me
Finding A Great Optician's Office

After I realized that I had a serious problem with my vision, it occurred to me that I needed to get an eye exam and fast. I started looking around for a great place that could help me out, and after referring to lots of online reviews, I was finally able to find an excellent optical office that offered what I was looking for. They were really nice over the phone, but the office was even more enjoyable. The staff was fun and friendly, and they had a wide range of different styles available. This blog is all about finding a great optician's office that you will love.
