What Happens During A Cataract Procedure?

After I realized that I had a serious problem with my vision, it occurred to me that I needed to get an eye exam and fast. I started looking around for a great place that could help me out, and after referring to lots of online reviews, I was finally able to find an excellent optical office that offered what I was looking for. They were really nice over the phone, but the office was even more enjoyable. The staff was fun and friendly, and they had a wide range of different styles available. This blog is all about finding a great optician's office that you will love.

What Happens During A Cataract Procedure?

What Happens During A Cataract Procedure?

17 July 2023
, Blog

Cataracts are formed when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque. Because of this, people with cataracts may experience symptoms such as blurred vision, difficulty seeing at night, and sensitivity to glare or light. Treatment for cataracts involves replacing the cloudy lens with a clear artificial replacement lens. The cataract procedure is typically done on an outpatient basis and may take a short amount of time. Read the details below for more information on eye care services involving cataracts.

Do cataracts ever go away on their own?

Once cataracts develop, they usually cannot reverse themselves without treatment. Generally, the only way to improve vision in an eye affected by cataracts is to have the cloudy lens removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens implant.

What happens during a cataract procedure?

A cataract procedure begins with numbing eyedrops that are administered to your eyes. Once your eyes are numb, small incisions will be made in each affected eye. After that, tiny instruments are used to break up and remove the cataract. A clear artificial lens implant is then placed into the eye as a replacement for the cloudy one. The surgeon may also need to use a laser to reposition or reshape the cornea in order to make sure that your vision is not distorted after surgery.

Who is a good candidate for cataract surgery?

In order to be a good candidate for cataract surgery, you must have healthy eyes and be in overall good health. Additionally, you should not be pregnant or suffer from any allergies or eye conditions that could interfere with the results of the surgery. It is also important that you are able to tolerate the procedure and cooperate with your eye care provider's instructions.

What should you expect after a cataract procedure?

Cataract surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, which means you will go home the same day you have the procedure done. After your surgery, it is normal to experience some discomfort and blurry vision for a few days as the eye heals. Your cataract procedure specialist will provide you with specific instructions on how to take care of your eyes during the healing period.

If you think you may have cataracts, it's important to contact your eye care provider for a full evaluation. Your eye care specialist can provide more information on the risks and benefits of cataract surgery as well as other available treatment options that could improve your vision. With the right treatment plan in place, you can regain clarity of vision once again. 

For more info about eye care services, contact a local professional. 

About Me
Finding A Great Optician's Office

After I realized that I had a serious problem with my vision, it occurred to me that I needed to get an eye exam and fast. I started looking around for a great place that could help me out, and after referring to lots of online reviews, I was finally able to find an excellent optical office that offered what I was looking for. They were really nice over the phone, but the office was even more enjoyable. The staff was fun and friendly, and they had a wide range of different styles available. This blog is all about finding a great optician's office that you will love.
