A Visit To The Eye Doctor

After I realized that I had a serious problem with my vision, it occurred to me that I needed to get an eye exam and fast. I started looking around for a great place that could help me out, and after referring to lots of online reviews, I was finally able to find an excellent optical office that offered what I was looking for. They were really nice over the phone, but the office was even more enjoyable. The staff was fun and friendly, and they had a wide range of different styles available. This blog is all about finding a great optician's office that you will love.

A Visit To The Eye Doctor

A Visit To The Eye Doctor

24 May 2017
, Blog

When it comes to your eyes you want to make sure that everything is in good condition. If you are having problems with your eyes, do not hesitate to go and visit with an optometrist. They are going to be able to look at your eyes and tell you exactly what is going on. There are many different things that can go on with your eyes, and some of them can be tragic if they are not stopped in good time. So, it is important that if you are having issues that you visit the doctor as soon as you can. While visiting with an optometrist is one of the best things you can do, it can be nerve racking. Here are a few things that you can expect to do when visiting with an optometrist for the first time.

Snellen Chart

One of the very first things that an optometrist will do is get an idea of generally where your eyesight is. They want to know if you can see anything at all. So, they are going to have you look at a Snellen Chart. You have seen these because they are very popular. These are the charts with the big and small letters. You will be asked to read the chart with both eyes open, and then you will be asked to read it with each eye. This gives the optometrist the opportunity to get a general idea of your eyesight.


Another test that is common is the test where you need to tell the optometrist when one moving object is on top of another moving object. This can be a little bit nerve racking, but it is for your own benefit. This is going to tell the optometrist if the muscles in your eyes are able to follow moving objects and if your hand eye coordination is where it should be.


A major problem can occur if the eye is not completely healthy. You may find that you are experiencing a little bit of eye pain, but that little bit of eye pain could mean that there are major problems going on. Some of the common things that a optometrist is going to look for is pressure in your blood vessels, and within your eye. They are going to take photographs of your eyes, and look at all the anatomy of your eyes to ensure that everything is working just like it should. 

Speak to professionals like Southern  Colorado Eye Care Associates for more help.

About Me
Finding A Great Optician's Office

After I realized that I had a serious problem with my vision, it occurred to me that I needed to get an eye exam and fast. I started looking around for a great place that could help me out, and after referring to lots of online reviews, I was finally able to find an excellent optical office that offered what I was looking for. They were really nice over the phone, but the office was even more enjoyable. The staff was fun and friendly, and they had a wide range of different styles available. This blog is all about finding a great optician's office that you will love.
